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[Opencare] Hi Nicklaus, we noticed your appointment was cancelled. If you ended up seeing your dentist, leaving a review could still make you eligible for your offer. Let us know how it went!https://patient.opencare.com/#/claim-offer/?auth=eyJlbWFpbCI6Im5pY2tsYXVzdWxscmljaEBhY2NvdW50YW50LmNvbSIsInRva2VuIjoiZDg4OTNjYjllYmMwMjI3ZDIxZjVjNjZkZTU0YjVhNWQ0NmQxMGIwZjQwNDNmZGNjZWU1MzMyYTM4MjdjY2JjMCJ9&source=sms-review-reminder