542921 is your Klarna verification code. Do not share this code. Klarna representatives will never reach out to you to verify this code over the phone or SMS.
629582 dogrulama kodu, 23.09.2021 03:22 tarihindeki telefon numarasi guncelleme isleminiz icin gonderilmistir.(Ref: VE7Q5E) B002
898217 is your Klarna verification code. Do not share this code. Klarna representatives will never reach out to you to verify this code over the phone or SMS.
565245 is your Klarna verification code. Do not share this code. Klarna representatives will never reach out to you to verify this code over the phone or SMS.
This phone number was removed from your Klarna account (gu•••@g•••.com) on September 23, 1:16 AM BST. If this wasn’t you, contact customer support https://app.klarna.com/support?utm_source=pprs&utm_campaign=GB
458522 is your Klarna verification code. Do not share this code. Klarna representatives will never reach out to you to verify this code over the phone or SMS.