🍷 dVIN Labs here reminding you to claim your Cellar Challenge XP by Jan. 31st. Watch this short video for instructions: https://dvin.app/ClaimXP_EARNKeep earning XPs at https://earn.dvin.app, and save them up to spend on rare wines at https://www.rektwine.com, or one of the other partner marketplaces launching soon globally!Don’t just HODL. EARN.
We noticed a login to your Lyft account from a new device or browser on 2:40 PM EST on January 17. If this wasn't you, let us know: https://account.lyft.com/secure?token=AQAAAAGUdf8RcH78A6oe1InLiRAaf7w9Zhxyk2M5AgegnrjBf1gix6xkmKo_1jjWi2zGAPrzrGSvGExxa5TEqiSrrT3TF43wBbY%3D&type=phone