Order #2503-0779\Phone Number: +19981028602\Order Name: ankit\Order Instruction: NA\SUBMITTED: 06:53 AM Mar 24, 2025\EST. PICKUP: 07:13 AM Mar 24, 2025\Order Type: PICKUP\\\20 x Small Wing Dings, Small\ 1 x Sweet and Sour\\Payment: CASH\Subtotal: $228.80\Discount: -$0.00\Tax: $43.94\Support Local Fee: $0.00\Tip: $0.00\Total: $263.59
Cash App: 374-656 is your sign-in code. By entering, you agree to the Terms, E-Sign Consent, and Privacy Policy: https://cash.app/legal/tos?accountPid=EE_AYwSsC09lZKJVR6PVYNi45-sh2_ezHVIPFlbQbEPLviD3a0Q
Your Cash 1 Test verification code is: 28001
member buyboxtest1 have requested a final review on Sell and Leaseback for the 931 Porter St Gretna LA, 70053. Have a question about the offer? Schedule a time to discuss it here https://calendly.com/zoodealio/live-cash-offer-support
BLACK, we applied your payment/credit of $108.75 on 3/24/2025 to your account. If your payment was made by ACH and it fails, the payment will be reversed. Thanks. CASH 1
BLACK, we applied your payment/credit of $4,885.25 on 3/24/2025 to your account. If your payment was made by ACH and it fails, the payment will be reversed. Thanks. CASH 1
userzzz buyboxtest1 has accepted an offer on 931 Porter St Gretna LA, 70053. Have a question about the offer? Schedule a time to discuss it here https://calendly.com/zoodealio/live-cash-offer-support
userzzz buyboxtest1 has received 1 new cash offer on 931 Porter St Gretna LA, 70053. Check it out: https://Nalas.uat-zoodealio.com?cusRef=e75c4777-ff78-4132-8563-6a87ed5d0d78
userzzz buyboxtest1 have requested a final review on Sell and Leaseback for the 931 Porter St Gretna LA, 70053. Have a question about the offer? Schedule a time to discuss it here https://calendly.com/zoodealio/live-cash-offer-support
BLACK, we applied your payment/credit of $7.25 on 3/24/2025 to your account. If your payment was made by ACH and it fails, the payment will be reversed. Thanks. CASH 1
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BLACK, thank you for providing your authorization(s). Please check your email for a copy of your electronically signed document(s). We appreciate your business! CASH 1
Your Cash 1 Test verification code is: 56640
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BLACK, attached you will find a link so you may consent to the receipt of electronic documents and authorize your loan document(s). Please click the following link to do so. https://c1exp.com/91ki87. CASH 1
userzzz buyboxtest1 have requested a final review on Cash+ with Repairs esc program for the 931 Porter St Gretna LA, 70053. Have a question about the offer? Schedule a time to discuss it here https://calendly.com/zoodealio/live-cash-offer-support
userz buyboxtest1 has accepted an offer on 931 Porter St Gretna LA, 70053. Have a question about the offer? Schedule a time to discuss it here https://calendly.com/zoodealio/live-cash-offer-support
userz buyboxtest1 has received 1 new cash offer on 931 Porter St Gretna LA, 70053. Check it out: https://Nalas.uat-zoodealio.com?cusRef=3c3f8a7f-92e3-4da2-9e35-033019e9c675
userz buyboxtest1 have requested a final review on Cash+ with Repairs esc program for the 931 Porter St Gretna LA, 70053. Have a question about the offer? Schedule a time to discuss it here https://calendly.com/zoodealio/live-cash-offer-support
Your Cash 1 Test verification code is: 06221
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Your Bubble Cash verification code is: 821053
Your Cash 1 Test verification code is: 29579