E1E222101, Portal Lab E1E2 Practice has made it easier for you to connect with us online, Check your email for a patient portal invitation. Text STOP to unsubscribe
MinorE2E4091, Portal Lab E1 Practice has made it easier for you to connect with us online, Check your email for a patient portal invitation. Text STOP to unsubscribe
Suraj Kandel has replied to your message in Weekly Scrum meeting channel of Convorally Weekly Scrum project. @Jeewan Thapa Dai, generally wallet things donot provide us interface directly for mobile platform for register. Even the package also provides the functionality for payment only not for creating the id or register. So in that case where there is limitation of these type of stuffs we use web-view in mobile. Which is like opening the browser in-app. In flutter there are different approach for opening the urls. Here we need address some case like redirecting back to the app after successful register by detecting the dedicated url. For that case commonly used web view or url_launcher were throwing exception and not working properly but inappwebview.About research, i play on different app which is completely new - to save a time. Based on docs on stripe, some articles on medium and with help of chatgpt i was working for the scenario. Research is complete and we can implement this thing on our app now and also i explained this to my immediate supervisor. Tap below to view https://app.convorally.com/#/channel/2beeb1df-5724-46a6-a344-e205ac2e3bbb?communication_id=15713