Hello, good morning. This is Shalini. I'm calling from the Community College of Allegan County calling just to touch base with you with regards to enrollment. If you have questions, please return my call at 412-369-3646. and also, please check your email will be sending enrollment information through your Gmail account. Thank you. Have a good one. Bye.
Reminder! You have a booking with Devnewfeb Devnewfeb on 02/28/2025 at 12:30 pm PST. Here is a link to the video room for this booking: https://staging01.speaky.co/otp-screen/?apx-auth=aHR0cHM6Ly9waHBzdGFjay0xMjQ3NDM3LTQ5MTQ4ODAuY2xvdWR3YXlzYXBwcy5jb20vP3dlYj10cnVlJndlYm49TUE9PSZtYmlkPU1USXpPUT09cHdubWU0Snp3REFCNUdyNFlQQjRtSg==&pnx=MjQ4MjcwODU2NXB3bm1lNEp6d0RBQjVHcjRZUEI0bUo=&uidx=MXB3bm1lNEp6d0RBQjVHcjRZUEI0bUo=
From +12546153495
Your Bally Live Sports verification code is: 425828
From +12546153495
Your Bally Live Sports verification code is: 631084
From +19542895984
Urgent Service has been posted for the DSG Customer Service Program on Feb 28!
From +12546153495
Your Bally Live Sports verification code is: 019207
From +12546153495
Your Bally Live Sports verification code is: 689225
Hi Nate Travis, Devnewfeb Devnewfeb just accepted your booking request on Speaky! Please click here to join the video call on 03/01/2025 at 12:30 pm PST. Here is a link to the video room for this booking: https://staging01.speaky.co/otp-screen/?apx-auth=aHR0cHM6Ly9waHBzdGFjay0xMjQ3NDM3LTQ5MTQ4ODAuY2xvdWR3YXlzYXBwcy5jb20vP3dlYj10cnVlJndlYm49TUE9PSZtYmlkPU1USXpPUT09cHdubWU0Snp3REFCNUdyNFlQQjRtSg==&pnx=MjQ4MjcwODU2NXB3bm1lNEp6d0RBQjVHcjRZUEI0bUo=&uidx=MXB3bm1lNEp6d0RBQjVHcjRZUEI0bUo=