It has been some time since your referral for Acupuncture was approved. We have no record of you scheduling an appointment with the specialist and your referral has now expired. If you are still interested in this referral, please contact our appointment line at 844-308--5003 to schedule an appointment with your clinician.(Do not respond to this text)
We know you are busy. Just a quick reminder, to schedule an appointment with your specialist, test_specialist, at 111-111-1111 before your referral expires. If you have already made an appointment or seen the specialist, we are happy that you are taking care of your health needs. Contact VCC referrals at 844-308-5003 x 8900 if you have questions regarding this referral. Thank you for choosing health.(Do not respond to this text)
From +18022945201
Missed our vibes? 😄 We missed you too! We've got a seat with your name on it here at Milagro Cafe. Let's make more food memories together! 🍔🎉 Make another reservation here:
From +18022945201
Hey foodie! 🍔 So how was Milagro Cafe? Share your experience and get freebies @ Milagro Cafe, share your experience here:
Snapchat: 899477 is your one time passcode for phone enrollment. Snapchat will never call or text you for this code qunyt57f5Rf
From +18022945201
Thank you for making a reservation at Mumbai 1.4. Your reservation for 02-15-2024 at 02:30 PM for a party of 3 has been confirmed. Please contact us if your plans change.
From +17604541497
Reminder, your VCC referral for Acupuncture has been approved. Please contact your specialist test_specialist at 111-111-1111 to schedule. If you have already made an appointment or seen the specialist, we are happy that you are taking care of your health needs. Contact VCC referrals at 844-308-5003 x 8900 if you have questions regarding this referral. Thank you for choosing health.(Do not respond to this text )