Welcome to TrueCar! Audi Grapevine is connecting with you about a 2020 Audi S4. Your actual number has been anonymized to protect your privacy. Respond with "stop" at any time to end the conversation. Here are the currently in-stock vehicles at this dealership: https://www.truecar.com/dashboard/353F2R2E3R/dealership/22393/inventory/audi/s4?cdauth=8R2FW2LLEQ2 (Only you can see this message)
Hello Daeveon, thank you for your recent inquiry on our 2020 Audi S4. You should have received an email from my internet manager Drew Nigo by now. Please let us know how we can better assist you. Jose Herrera Audi Dallas
From +17472712066
Welcome to TrueCar! Audi Dallas is connecting with you about a 2020 Audi S4. Your actual number has been anonymized to protect your privacy. Respond with "stop" at any time to end the conversation. Here are the currently in-stock vehicles at this dealership: https://www.truecar.com/dashboard/353F2R2E3R/dealership/21728/inventory/audi/s4?cdauth=8R2FW2LLEQ2 (Only you can see this message)
【Haya】هذا رمز التحقق لك،وهو صالحة لثلاثين دقيقة[871899]
From +17472073457
Hi daeveon! I'm here to ensure your process is a smooth one! Need help selecting the exact vehicle to confirm your TrueCar price?
From +17472073457
Welcome to TrueCar! Audi Plano is connecting with you about a 2020 Audi S4. Your actual number has been anonymized to protect your privacy. Respond with "stop" at any time to end the conversation. Here are the currently in-stock vehicles at this dealership: https://www.truecar.com/dashboard/353F2R2E3R/dealership/27911/inventory/audi/s4?cdauth=8R2FW2LLEQ2 (Only you can see this message)