Hello 7416Patient_F'Name 5743Patient_L'Name, this is a friendly reminder that you have an appointment at 1Saro_Test_Location_1 with your practitioner Saro Test, MD on Sat, Dec 21 2024 at 1:00 PMoptimantradev.com/optimus/om/public/customConsentForm?did=33&uid=1460&pid=1122336090&cnsntFrmId=4optimantradev.com/optimus/om/public/customQuestionnaireForm?did=33&uid=1460&pid=1122336090&custQustId=10
[Ourbit] Your Ourbit account 1-813***6264 was logged in at 2024-12-20 10:02:07(UTC+03:30) on samsung SM-A260G and is currently logged out.
From +12068133770
Your Poe verification code is: 995149. Don't share this code with anyone, our employees will never ask for the code.
From +18554923189
We've detected a login into your Maple account from an unrecognized device. If you recognize this activity, please disregard this message. If not, consider changing your password.
You have received your testing kit. You may now join the Lab Collection Virtual Room by clicking on the link below. They are available Monday- Friday 10-6pm MST and will assist you in labeling the lab specimen. -- Frontier Psychiatry
From +18339663411
Hi One, you can now access your medical results related to your visit with O1-G1-S1-V4-HC-No Custom-No PWN. Click below to access them. https://uat-onc.ambry.care/r/g0rvZinZ