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From Telegram
Telegram code 87859
From Google Adsense
From +14159420369
[WIPPY] 인증번호 [233835]를 입력해 주세요.
From Youku
From Youku
From Google Adsense
From Youku
From Youku
From Youku
From Telegram
Telegram code 94870
From Facebook
671836 es tu codigo para restablecer la contrasena de Facebook
From Facebook
671836 es tu codigo para restablecer la contrasena de Facebook
From 288402
验证码:397953 。您正在使用登录功能,该验证码仅用于身份验证,请勿泄露给他人使用。
From Clouds
Your pin is 3956. Use this pin for App ColorfulClouds.
From +12064561333
【inyuapp】Verification code:5287, expire in 5m. Welcome!
From Youku
From Telegram
Telegram code 26036
From Telegram
Telegram code 72823
From Bilibili
From +14243360615
From DouBan
From Ello
Hello everyone this is Lori (Dannys husband and melissas mother). just giving an update sorry i am so late. Unfortunately Melissa and my husband have been tested POSITIVE for COVID. I have been asked to contact everyone they have came into contact with in the last 7-10 days.. To self QUARANTINE until you are sure you have no symptoms. You all should recieve a call from METRO hospital in the morning to be given more information on what you should do. Their number is 216 778 7800. Unfortunately my husband has to quarantine without me and will be staying at my daughters house as I am high risk and do not want to catch virus. Unfortunately for my daughter she is being held with breathing treatments at METRO hospital. (Smoker🙄) . Both have mild symptoms. Will give everyone more updates as i recieve them as i cannot visit my daughter. Please be mindful this is a group message . Do not reply

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United States
424 SMS
2024-01-10 10:20:22
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