Greetings from Your PIN number is 527163. Use this PIN to verify your Mobile number or give a missed call to 09380054981.
From +12138612908
[#] Your Flipkart verification OTP code is 493476 . Code valid for 10 minutes only, one time use. Please DO NOT share this OTP with anyone. Df9YrqIZHWd
From +14502335919
[#] Your Flipkart verification OTP code is 224364 . Code valid for 10 minutes only, one time use. Please DO NOT share this OTP with anyone. Df9YrqIZHWd
[#] Your Flipkart verification OTP code is 454428 . Code valid for 10 minutes only, one time use. Please DO NOT share this OTP with anyone. Df9YrqIZHWd