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Your Buy Token request in the amount of 3.00 CYN was successfully processed on 07/18/2022 to your Account Address ab96f3f4-e978-4399-a54a-5dfc87ea8959. The Reference ID is BUTB79B2B8357CF6ECAB99FBB3D76****.
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Your Buy Token request in the amount of 3.00 CYN was successfully processed on 07/18/2022 to your Account Address ab96f3f4-e978-4399-a54a-5dfc87ea8959. The Reference ID is BUTB8415122B4E9F92E48696E06C1****.
Your Buy Token request in the amount of 2.00 CYN was successfully processed on 07/18/2022 to your Account Address ab96f3f4-e978-4399-a54a-5dfc87ea8959. The Reference ID is BUT3090F91E4A5A7C852039E9EDEB****.
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Your Fetch Rewards one-time security code is 360091. (Expires in 10 minutes.) K6EMC6msdH2