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From +16015300352
Are you concerned about vaginal discharge post-birth? Click the secure link for more from MemorialCare: https://d.mmc.gyant.com/7xj9t9
From +16015300352
Do you feel more irritable and emotional than usual? Click the secure link for more from MemorialCare: https://d.mmc.gyant.com/dvsjmc
From +16015300352
Search and connect to support. Financial assistance, food pantries, medical care, and other free or reduced-cost help starts here: https://d.mmc.gyant.com/4ak1tz
From +16015300352
You're giving it your all - let's take care of you too. Click the secure link for more from MemorialCare: https://d.mmc.gyant.com/2pnl6f
From +16015300352
Has breastfeeding been uncomfortable and sometimes even painful? Click the secure link for more from MemorialCare: https://d.mmc.gyant.com/xj33dd
From +16015300352
Safe Sleep - for you and infant. Click the secure link for more information from MemorialCare: https://d.mmc.gyant.com/kk7uty
From +16015300352
Still having contractions/cramping? Have a headache that won't go away? Click the secure link for more from MemorialCare: https://d.mmc.gyant.com/j82253
From +16015300352
Can you tell when your baby is hungry? Click here for more information: https://d.mmc.gyant.com/8pbz29
From +16015300352
Are you breastfeeding? Click the secure link for more from MemorialCare: https://d.mmc.gyant.com/xy5crj
From +16015300352
This is MemorialCare again. Your feedback matters: https://d.mmc.gyant.com/izvwiq
From +16015300352
This is MemorialCare with 2 quick tips. Click the secure link to view your message:https://d.mmc.gyant.com/ub9rq4
From +16015300352
Welcome Home! This is MemorialCare with some helpful information for you. Click the secure link to view your message (reply STOP to opt-out): https://d.mmc.gyant.com/fj0fit
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