[AlaEat Tea] Dear customer, thank you for visiting our restaurant. Please tap the link below to view your e-receipt: https://pebllapos.com/uEgF
From Google Adsense
From +18447556429
Congrats on completing your call with Speaky! We hope you had a great experience. As a thank you, enjoy 10% off your next call with promo code NEXTCALL. If you have any questions or need help, visit http://www.speaky.co/contact
Reminder! You have a booking with Test talent on 03/04/2025 at 03:50 am PST. Here is a link to the video room for this booking: https://staging01.speaky.co/otp-screen/?apx-auth=aHR0cHM6Ly9waHBzdGFjay0xMjQ3NDM3LTQ5MTQ4ODAuY2xvdWR3YXlzYXBwcy5jb20vP3dlYj10cnVlJndlYm49TUE9PSZtYmlkPU1USTJOQT09cHdubWU0Snp3REFCNUdyNFlQQjRtSg==&pnx=NjMxMzcxNDc3OHB3bm1lNEp6d0RBQjVHcjRZUEI0bUo=&uidx=MTU4OHB3bm1lNEp6d0RBQjVHcjRZUEI0bUo=
From +14133663437
This is a reminder that Home service will be arriving today, to do the job Test resheduling. We plan to arrive between 7:30 AM and 9:30 AM EST. Please plan for the appointment to take about 45 minute(s).
Hi test user, Test talent just accepted your booking request on Speaky! Please click here to join the video call on 03/04/2025 at 03:50 am PST. Here is a link to the video room for this booking: https://staging01.speaky.co/otp-screen/?apx-auth=aHR0cHM6Ly9waHBzdGFjay0xMjQ3NDM3LTQ5MTQ4ODAuY2xvdWR3YXlzYXBwcy5jb20vP3dlYj10cnVlJndlYm49TUE9PSZtYmlkPU1USTJOQT09cHdubWU0Snp3REFCNUdyNFlQQjRtSg==&pnx=NjMxMzcxNDc3OHB3bm1lNEp6d0RBQjVHcjRZUEI0bUo=&uidx=MTU4OHB3bm1lNEp6d0RBQjVHcjRZUEI0bUo=
From +18447556429
Thank you for booking with Test talent on Speaky! Your request has been sent. You will receive an email once the booking has been accepted.
From +18669255287
Your reservation at 1800 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD 20852 confirmed for Tue,Mar 4 at 03:45 PM . Please call 2408580188 for changes.
From +18669255287
Your reservation at 1800 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD 20852 for Tue,Mar 4 at 03:45 PM is confirmed. No-show fee: $5.00 . Complete authorization at https://pebllago.com/HEgF .
From 22395
Your Riffusion verification code is: 921006
From +18666664630
Great news! Your table is now ready. Please proceed to the entrance and enjoy your meal. Thank you for your patience, and we look forward to serving you. Reply STOP to unsubscribe.
From +18666664630
O002O002Great news! Your table is now ready. Please proceed to the entrance and enjoy your meal. Thank you for your patience, and we look forward to serving you. Reply STOP to unsubscribe.
From 22622
Your One-Time Passcode for Netspend Wallet is 427074 and expires in 5 minutes. Please do not reply.
From +18666664630
O002O002O002O002Congratulations! You have successfully joined our waitlist. Your queue number is O002.123412312321O002 Reply STOP to unsubscribe.