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From +18335532731
From +13369208825
Jeewan Thapa has replied to your message in Weekly Scrum meeting channel of Convorally Weekly Scrum project. Can you explain or give us detail on how you did this research? DId you not make the test case before applying it? I don't want you to spend all the time doing research that we cannot implement in real project. Tap below to view https://app.convorally.com/#/channel/2beeb1df-5724-46a6-a344-e205ac2e3bbb?communication_id=15713
Suraj Kandel has sent you a message in Weekly Scrum meeting channel of Convorally Weekly Scrum project. Task Update :Research and implemented webview for stripe (Not working accordingly)Research and implemented url_launcher (Not working accordingly)Research and implemented InAppWebView (Working accordingly and better than other) Tap below to view https://app.convorally.com/#/channel/2beeb1df-5724-46a6-a344-e205ac2e3bbb
From +14243778833
Device delivered for tracking # 9400100208271111814732 in Health System One
From +14243778833
Device delivered for tracking # 9400100208271111814541 in Health System One