[Opencare] Hi Helen, it's been a while since your appointment request. Were you able to see your dentist? If so, leaving a review could help you unlock your special offer!https://patient.opencare.com/#/claim-offer/?auth=eyJlbWFpbCI6InNvdW5kLmdvcmlsbGEuZWN2ckBpbnN0YW50bGV0dGVyLm5ldCIsInRva2VuIjoiNmExMzI5ZDFhMGIwNjc1ODdkYWFhNGU0ZjNlMTU5ZjFmYjA3ZjM3OTcyNjY2YjI5YmJkYzJhMDkzY2ZmODYwMyJ9&source=sms-review-reminder
[Opencare] Hi Jose, it's been a while since your appointment request. Were you able to see your dentist? If so, leaving a review could help you unlock your special offer!https://patient.opencare.com/#/claim-offer/?auth=eyJlbWFpbCI6ImNodWJieS5nZXJiaWw3NzA3QG1haWxkcm9wLmNjIiwidG9rZW4iOiI2NTA1ZGU1NGEzOGNlMmMzYjVjOTY3MWQ1YWYxMGQwOWM4YTcxN2Q1MzEyZDllMTVmOTA5YjBlNTk1NWZlZjhjIn0%3D&source=sms-review-reminder
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From +12517322176
Hi Dung Patient Potter, Your Community Wellness appt is in 1 day on 1/7 at 8:00 AM EST with Doctor10 Tuan. For any questions before your appointment, please call 888-751-3540 as we are unable to receive responses to this message. At that time, click the link to start your video appointment: https://mywellnessqa.page.link/G7CM