Hi BB c, this is Jazlyn @ Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts. Heard you have a Passion for Pastries! We are now enrolling for our AUGUST session of our online program. Reply NEXT STEPS to move forward with your goals and dreams! To opt out of texts, reply STOP.
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Isksh, Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts. We wanted to connect with you about your interest in our online Culinary program. We are enrolling for our August 17th session. Reply back requesting Next steps or Contact us at (224) 223-1957. To opt-out of texts, reply STOP.
I didn't hear back from you but thought I'd just send you the link again to the on-demand dental implant web class. Here's the link: https://link.nuviasmiles.com/l/-iKQRlCvB- We go over... How Much Dental Implants Cost & Why, How Most People Pay, and How Avoiding "Teeth-In-A-Day" could actually SAVE YOU up to 10 Months Of Your Life It's about 30 minutes - Take a watch and let me know what you think?Kobi - Nuvia Dental Implant Center
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Your TLC team is really looking forward to seeing you (on video) today at 9:00 AM for your Virtual Consult! Here is the link for joining the consultation https://tinyurl.com/24632u7a Questions? Reply to this text or call us at (877) 852-2020 STOP=EndMsgs
Google blocked someone with the password for [email protected] from signing in to the account. Learn more: google.com/signins
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