Account: 233785 is your Samsung account verification code.bP2ROrn3fZQ
Account: 230565 is your Samsung account verification code.bP2ROrn3fZQ
Account: 666732 is your Samsung account verification code.bP2ROrn3fZQ
Account: 957019 is your Samsung account verification code.bP2ROrn3fZQ
Account: 480094 is your Samsung account verification code.bP2ROrn3fZQ
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Account: 103124 is your Samsung account verification code.bP2ROrn3fZQ
Account: 951548 is your Samsung account verification code.bP2ROrn3fZQ
Account: 140657 is your Samsung account verification code.bP2ROrn3fZQ
Account: 746807 is your Samsung account verification code.bP2ROrn3fZQ
Account: 463021 is your Samsung account verification code.bP2ROrn3fZQ
PAY.PALS Reminder!: Order ID: Z8ESXM3K Samsungs Farmhouse TV Stand of $529.23 is out for delivery. If its not you Call immediately 61 855 775 3121.
PAY.PALS Reminder!: Order ID: Z8ESXM3K Samsungs Farmhouse TV Stand of $529.23 is out for delivery. If its not you Call immediately 61 855 775 3121.
PAY.PALS Reminder!: Order ID: Z8ESXM3K Samsungs Farmhouse TV Stand of $529.23 is out for delivery. If its not you Call immediately 61 855 775 3121.
PAY.PALS Reminder!: Order ID: Z8ESXM3K Samsungs Farmhouse TV Stand of $529.23 is out for delivery. If its not you Call immediately 61 855 775 3121.
Account: 233329 is your Samsung account verification code.bP2ROrn3fZQ
Account: 344156 is your Samsung account verification code.bP2ROrn3fZQ
Account: 088156 is your Samsung account verification code.bP2ROrn3fZQ
Account: 139410 is your Samsung account verification code.bP2ROrn3fZQ
Account: 352441 is your Samsung account verification code.
PAY.PALS Reminder!: Order ID: Z8ESXM3K Samsungs Farmhouse TV Stand of $529.23 is out for delivery. If its not you Call immediately 61 855 775 3121.
PAY.PALS Reminder!: Order ID: Z8ESXM3K Samsungs Farmhouse TV Stand of $529.23 is out for delivery. If its not you Call immediately 61 855 775 3121.
PAY.PALS Reminder!: Order ID: Z8ESXM3K Samsungs Farmhouse TV Stand of $529.23 is out for delivery. If its not you Call immediately 61 855 775 3121.
PAY.PALS Reminder!: Order ID: Z8ESXM3K Samsungs Farmhouse TV Stand of $529.23 is out for delivery. If its not you Call immediately 61 855 775 3121.
Account: 341201 is your Samsung account verification code.
Account: 341201 is your Samsung account verification code.