527466 is your Facebook code. Don't share it.
From Google Adsense
Uw Valued Opinions-verificatiecode is: 750340
514434 is your Facebook code. Don't share it.
646609 is your Facebook code. Don't share it.
From Google Adsense
FB-12423 is your Facebook confirmation code
Your T-POP App verification code is: 996842
Your WhatsApp code: 594-819You can also tap on this link to verify your phone: v.whatsapp.com/594819Don't share this code with others4sgLq1p5sV6
Your Uber code is 5576. Never share this code. Stuur STOP ALL naar 46 76 943 60 05 als je geen berichten meer wilt ontvangen.
From cingreen
486723 is your Instagram code. Don't share it.
Your WhatsApp code: 522-389You can also tap on this link to verify your phone: v.whatsapp.com/522389Don't share this code with others4sgLq1p5sV6
789330 هو رمز التأكيد الخاص بك. للحفاظ على أمانك، تجنب مشاركة هذا الرمز.
Your verification code is 622251.
Your Parallax verification code is: 224712
Your Parallax verification code is: 224712
Your Day1x confirm code is: 952112
Your TheFork verification code is: 191732
787908 هو رمز التأكيد الخاص بك. للحفاظ على أمانك، تجنب مشاركة هذا الرمز.
Your WhatsApp code: 627-300You can also tap on this link to verify your phone: v.whatsapp.com/627300Don't share this code with others4sgLq1p5sV6
996150 هو رمز التأكيد الخاص بك. للحفاظ على أمانك، تجنب مشاركة هذا الرمز.