[On/Go] Srikant Mongo2701, it's almost time for your online consultation. When ready, open your On/Go app to get started. If you don't yet have the app, please download it as you will need it for your upcoming appointment https://www-qa.letsongo.com/member/appointment-details?user_id=00002dc8-e52b-4147-951d-2dafa6d1614a&appointment_id=0000d0b0-29d7-4004-b210-d80f57d3bcdb&utm_campaign=member_marketplace_weight_loss_appointment_start_in_fifteen_minutes&utm_medium=sms&utm_source=ongo
Plaid: On behalf of Etsy, a $0.01 deposit was sent to your account ending in 1735. Verify this deposit here: https://secure.plaid.com/hl/lp8n86rp698oo3919141p6sp6q863p8966 Then, return to Etsy to complete your account setup.
From 22622
Your One-Time Passcode for Netspend Wallet is 584814 and expires in 5 minutes. Please do not reply.
From +18669906646
[On/Go] Srikant Mongo2701, your On/Go appointment is about to start! To help get your medical team up to speed, take a few moments to complete a couple of questions (this will help your appointment go faster, we promise!) https://www-qa.letsongo.com/member/marketplace/adhoc?auto_send_message=continue_appointment_intake&interaction_mode=text&utm_campaign=weight_loss_appointment_intake_form_reminder&utm_medium=sms&utm_source=ongo
Job request from Super in Silver Spring, MD 20906 on 3/25, 3/26, 3/27:Accept or Decline:https://go-dev.hellosuper.com/RxRrggeb
From +18669906646
[On/Go] srikant Mongo020301, your On/Go appointment is coming up! To help get your medical team up to speed, take a few moments to complete a couple of questions (this will help your appointment go faster, we promise!) https://www-qa.letsongo.com/member/marketplace/adhoc?auto_send_message=continue_appointment_intake&interaction_mode=text&utm_campaign=weight_loss_appointment_intake_form_reminder&utm_medium=sms&utm_source=ongo
From +18669906646
[Novo Select] Srikant Mnovo2603, it is time for your virtual consultation. When ready, open your Novo Select app to connect. If you don't yet have the app, please download it now as you will need it for your appointment https://novo-qa.letsongo.com/member/appointment-details?user_id=00001c87-8f19-4802-8839-05be9525c386&appointment_id=00005c3b-7ea9-44f2-a75f-1e2ee08110cb&utm_campaign=member_marketplace_weight_loss_appointment_starting&utm_medium=sms&utm_source=novo
[Novo Select] Srikant Mnovo2603, it's almost time for your online consultation. When ready, open your Novo Select app to get started. If you don't yet have the app, please download it as you will need it for your upcoming appointment https://novo-qa.letsongo.com/member/appointment-details?user_id=00001c87-8f19-4802-8839-05be9525c386&appointment_id=00005c3b-7ea9-44f2-a75f-1e2ee08110cb&utm_campaign=member_marketplace_weight_loss_appointment_start_in_fifteen_minutes&utm_medium=sms&utm_source=novo