Hi, this is Claudia with tiktok for business. Just reaching out to the medical yellow want to say I'm the account representative assigned to tiktok ads manager. It was selected for 30-day free support. Feel free to reach out to me at Claudia about Leon wanted advertising on tiktok.com the best time for a quick call over the performance of your ads and also to go over some best practices for our platform. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Have a great day.
Hi, this is calling with tick talk for business was wanting to let you know that I am the account representative assigned to get tiktok ads manager for the medical yellow and would like to connect for a quick call to go over the performance of your address platform. and the optimizations and offer some recommendations to maximize on the performance of your ads you could reach out to me via email at claudia.leon wanted advertisement.com. Thank you. Have a great day.