Your Apple Account code is: 146196. Do not share it with anyone.
From +12086494705
Hey Rrimpy,Dr. Johnson is asking if you are experiencing any pain today?Reply with a number between 0 and 10 (0 being no pain and 10 being the worst pain imaginable).Text STOP to Opt-out
From +18339871851
686928 هو رمز التحقق الخاص بك. لا تشاركه مع الآخرين
This is Julie Suns from Allied relief. I am following up on your pre-qualification letter. We mailed out, which you should have received by today. We have you eligible for up to $37,000 with a small monthly payment around 329. Please reach out to me at your soonest availability at 205-651-9924. I want to submit everything today, so you can have the funds before the end of January. Again. My number is 205-651-9924. And please give the agent your code, which is a0404. I hope we can talk soon.
Your Apple Account Code is: 875113. Don't share it with [email protected] #875113
From +13852473187
Hi, this is Lana calling from bamboo. HR. I just wanted to go ahead and leave you with my phone number. That is 385-440-1711-385-440. -1711. Thanks. Talk to you soon.