0243 is the OTP to access your dashboard account at WhiteHat Jr. This OTP is valid for 5 mins. Please do not share it with anyone.
From Google Adsense
From 8336540580
7632 is the OTP to access your dashboard account at WhiteHat Jr. This OTP is valid for 5 mins. Please do not share it with anyone.
From 74709
Your kid will create an app today! Reminder: Your Kid's WhiteHatJr trial coding class is at 04:00 PM today. Can't attend? Reschedule - http://1kx.in/DwKK6HnBq7C
Your Kumu verification code is: 234988 fUmyuoSO5Qd
From Google Adsense
From 74709
Get YUVRAJ TECH report card in your free WhiteHat Jr trial class at 7th Aug, 04:00 PM. Use this link http://1kx.in/DJQmdnkLk6t on your laptop/PC to setup for your class now.
From 74709
Madhuri Dixit Nene's kids are learning coding at WhiteHat Jr and creating new Apps. YUVRAJ TECH can also create their App in trial class on 7th Aug and 04:00 PM Be on time. http://1kx.in/axUxex
YUVRAJ TECH coding class is confirmed for 7th Aug 4:00 PM! Set up for class now to get Google Discovery alum certificate. Check email for details.
From 74709
We're excited you decided to begin YUVRAJ TECH's coding journey with Whitehat Jr! Please click on the link to confirm your free coding class. http://1kx.in/DMlUtnYdc22