Hello this is Ms Andrews calling from Montgomery Ward Im sorry I missed you Please call me back tollfree between the hours of 800 am And 1200 midnight Central Time at 18776213550 I have some important information for you Again that toll free number is 18776213550 Thank you
From 70648
Your Uphold verification code is: 317140. Never share this code, not even with Uphold [email protected] #317140 eveaOpjj3tS
[TikTok] 2671 is your verification code, valid for 5 minutes. To keep your account safe, never forward this code.
From +18447181070
Did you know Infrared Exercise will detoxify your body, reduce stress, and has anti-aging properties??? Don’t take our word for it! Try it out yourself, we are open from 11-6 pm today. Come stop by or schedule here: https://sailpos.hotworx.net/customerportal/SC0009/contact_information.php
From +18438342885
Hey Bryant this is Olivia from hot work Summerville I just want to call an offer you a free infrareds on a studio session Ill be here until 600 pm Tonight If you want to give me a call back at 8438342885 Thank you so much byebye