Hi,Use the code below to verify your phone number.3632 Regards SecurePosit
From Google Adsense
From +18324602811
Thank you for your order on NailsZone! Your orders were placed successfully on 03/01/24 04:55:23. Here is a summary of your orders: Order ID: #000000421, Order detail link: https://prepro.nailszone.levincidemo.com/vi/sales/guest/form/
From +18324602811
The code to verify checkout is: 201974
From +15169814590
Hi,Use the code below to verify your phone number.6402 Regards SecurePosit
From Google Adsense
From +18324602811
Thank you for your order on NailsZone! Your orders were placed successfully on 03/01/24 04:50:17. Here is a summary of your orders: Order ID: #000000420, Order detail link: https://prepro.nailszone.levincidemo.com/vi/sales/guest/form/
[HelloYo]OTP: 754424 (valid for 10 min). The OTP is only used to reset lost password. HavHT83SIiY
From +18337441773
Hi RAVI RANJAN KUMAR your order 1119 from Guru Nanak Kitchen's is pending
From +18337441773
Hi RAVI RANJAN KUMAR your order 1121 from Guru Nanak Kitchen's is prepared
From +18337441773
Hi RAVI RANJAN KUMAR your order 1120 from Guru Nanak Kitchen's is prepared
From +18337441773
Hi RAVI RANJAN KUMAR your order 1118 from Guru Nanak Kitchen's is accepted
From +18184958834
Please click the link below to complete the Special Order Terms and Conditions for your purchase at Testing Company - https://tracking-test.slymanbros.com?track=pcF29-22306&type=signature
From +18444093113
The OTP for https://eusooh.b2b.unileverservices.com/ is 2323