lazada: security alert! an unknown device logged your account. beware of scams, lazada will never login on your behalf. contact lazada if it wasn't you.
< > hi david! new account: david, password: 525252, current balance: 1,189,287.52 usdt, please do not share this information with anyone
From 6394****6471
r has price adjustment instead of 390 it will be 440 sir because the length is 18inch .. do you want to continue the transaction? thank you
good morning. this is from silverworks sm megamall. we have received your order from sm malls online. we would like to inform you that the chain you orde
`@uand if this is you, your otp is 930146. if you did not make this request, be vigilant as someone might be trying to access your account. yyafcyn/qsw
From 7C****E860
`@unever share your otp to anyone or input it on any links! someone is trying to access your account through another phone. we've received a request